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E.ON Next

Eon Next

E.ON Next are subgroup of Big Six energy supplier E.ON. Founded in 2020, the subsidiary places a refreshing focus on modernising the energy industry. E.ON Next pride themselves in offering 100% renewable electricity, as well as personalised customer service, which has landed them an "excellent" rating on Trustpilot. Furthermore, none of E.ON Next's tariffs have any exit fees, making easier than ever to switch tariffs.

E.ON Next Customer Rating

On Trustpilot, E.ON Next have an “excellent” rating of 4.3 out of 5.

FAQ's about E.ON Next

If you would like to find out more about E.ON Next, you have come to the right place. Find the answers to your frequently asked questions below.

Does E.ON Next have a mobile app?

E.ON Next do not currently have an app. However, you will be able to log into a portal on their website.

Can I get a smart meter with E.ON Next?

Yes you certainly can! To book an appointment for a smart meter installation, simply dial 0808 501 5266.

What is the difference between E.ON and E.ON Next?

E.ON Next are subsidiary of Big Six Supplier E.ON, founded in 2020. With the backing of an established energy supplier, E.ON Next are focusing on providing renewable energy to their customers.

How can I contact E.ON Next?

You can contact E.ON Next

By phone: 0808 501 5200

Or on twitter: @eon_next

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