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How to cancel NOW broadband


If you are still in contract

When taking out a broadband contract with NOW, your minimum term will be for 12 months.

If you decide to cancel your broadband contract before the end of this period, you may need to pay an early termination fee. In the event you do need to pay, NOW will contact you to let you know exactly how much you need to pay and when.

NOW Broadband also offers 30-day monthly rolling contracts at no extra cost to their standard 12-month contracts, so if you’ve chosen this ‘no contract’ option, as long as you paid the one-off fee when you first signed up, you won’t have to pay any exit fees.

When will I need to pay early exit fees?

Exit fees with NOW will only apply if you choose to cancel your broadband contract before your 12-month minimum term is up, and for reasons other than permitted under your contract.

Permissions for cancelling without fees will be detailed in the terms and conditions of your broadband contract, so please check over these details carefully for more information.

How much will I be charged?

How much you’ll be charged for ending your contract early will depend on the following: -

  • How much of your 12-month period is remaining
  • How much of the 12-month period you’ve already been billed for.
  • Your broadband membership plan

The table below shows a hypothetical situation for what you’ll be charged each month based on your contract with NOW broadband.

Membership PlanMonthly early termination charge
If your contract ends on or before 04/07/2023If your contract ends after/07/2023
Super Fibre£16.73£18.32
Fab Fibre£15.08£16.69
Brilliant Broadband£14.28£16.57

The final early termination charge will also be rounded up to the nearest 25p.

NOW calculates your exit fees based on the number of days remaining of the minimum period when you decided to cancel. They will also take into the account the period you have already been billed for.

As a result, this means the amount you’ll be charged may not be an exact multiple of these monthly charges. And, if you signed up using a certain offer or promotion, your exit fees will be calculated based on the discounted price you signed up for.

How these charges are calculated

When calculating how much you’ll pay in early exit fees, NOW broadband takes the monthly charge for your plan and then deducts the following:

  • The business costs saved because they no longer provide you with a service, and:
  • A discount for accelerated receipt – this is a discount that reflects the fact NOW has received a one lump sum payment, rather than the payments being staggered over the length of your subscription period.

Your monthly charge, minus the above deductions gives the monthly early termination rate shown above.

If you have a discount on your monthly contract (e.g., you signed up during a promotional period).

For example: you have Brilliant Broadband Membership for £28.50 a month. With three months remaining on your contract, and no applicable discount.

NOW Broadband would deduct the two points above, leaving £16.57. They will then multiply this by three (the months remaining on your contract) and round up to the nearest 25p, totalling £49.75 payable in ETCs.

Cancelling while out of contract

If the minimum term on your broadband deal has finished, you will be out of contract. This means you’re no longer tied to NOW and are free to sign up to a new deal with a new provider without incurring any early termination fees.

If this is the case, you don’t need to contact NOW Broadband directly. You can just switch to a new provider and they will organise taking over the new connection for you.

How do I contact NOW broadband to cancel my contract?

You can contact NOW by calling 0330 041 2473, or by utilising the live chat service on their website.

Do I have to router my NOW broadband router?

Yes. When you contact NOW to cancel your contract, they will send you paid-for packaging to send back your equipment, entirely free of charge.

You’ll get a new router with whichever new provider you choose to sign up with.

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