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How to cancel Plusnet broadband


What to do before you cancel

Before cancelling your broadband service with any provider, you should first check your contract to see whether your minimum term has finished.

If you’re not out of contract but want to switch providers, you may need to pay exit fees.

Check your contract

Broadband deals with Plusnet are offered on a 12 or 18-month basis. If you’re still within this contract period (known as a ‘minimum term’), you will likely be charged an Early Termination Fee.

How does Plusnet calculate its Early Termination Charges?

If you decide to leave your Plusnet broadband contract early, you may be charged an Early Termination fee. Exactly how much you’ll pay will depend on the price you currently pay per month, as well as the amount of time you have remaining in your contract.

Plusnet calculates its exit fees for broadband and landline customers as follows: -

  • Plusnet takes your monthly charge, including any discounts
    They deduct the current rate of VAT
  • Reduce the charge to take account of any costs Plusnet saves because you have decided to leave early. For example, wholesale costs.
  • Deduce 1% for early payment.
  • Multiply this figure by the remaining months of your minimum term to get the final charge you owe. Any part month will be charged daily on a pro rata basis.
  • The current rate of VAT is added to the final amount.
  • Any remaining credit on your account will be taken off your total.

Example charge

For example, say you are on the Unlimited Fibre and Line Rental plan priced at £23.99 per month, and you have three months and 22 days remaining in your contract.

The VAT will be subtracted, leaving £19.99.

From there, a value for Plusnet’s saved costs will be deducted. E.g., £12, leaving £7.99.

A further 1% is deducted fort early repayment, making the total £7.91.

This figure is then multiplied by the full three months remaining, leaving a charge of £23.73. The pro rata amount for the remaining 22 days is then calculated. To do this, say you decide to leave your contract in September, which has 30 days; 22 days divided by 30 days is 0.73. This is then multiplied by £7.91 to give £5.77 and totalling £29.50 (£23.73 + £5.77).

VAT will then be added to the final amount, leaving a total early termination charge of £35.40.

However, please bear in mind that this calculation is only designed to provide you with an idea of how Plusnet calculates its early exit fees, and that costs may vary depending on the type of broadband and deal you’re signed-up to.

How to check if you’re out of contract

All broadband providers – including Plusnet – are legally bound by Ofgem rules to notify its customers between 10 and 40 days of their broadband contract coming to an end.

If you haven’t received a notification but think you might be out nearing the end of your contract or know you are already out of contract, you will need to contact Plusnet directly.

In the event you are still within your minimum term and wishing to cancel, you can ask Plusnet when you contact them exactly how much your Early Termination Fee will be

Make sure you’ve found a new broadband provider

Before cancelling your existing broadband with Plusnet, and to ensure your connection to the internet remains uninterrupted, you should find the provider and deal you want to switch to before cancelling. This will help make the transition to your new provider a seamless experience, void of any interruptions to your broadband connection.

Otherwise, if you decide to cancel without organising your switch in advance, you could be left without a broadband connection for weeks.

How to contact Plusnet

If you’d like to cancel your broadband service with Plusnet because you no longer want any type of broadband service, the quickest way is to call Plusnet directly.

To contact Plusnet on the phone, you can call 0800 432 0200. If you’re a Plusnet mobile customer, you can dial 500 from your Pllusnet mobile or call 0800 079 1133.

I am moving home. Can I cancel my broadband contract?

If Plusnet is unable to supply a broadband connection to your new intended address, any early termination fees should be waived, but will be determined by Plusnet on a case-by-case basis.

Because Plusnet uses BT’s Openreach network to deliver its broadband connection, it’s likely you’ll be able to continue to get your same broadband deal at your new address.

However, if you initially signed up to a full fibre package and are moving to an area that does not have full fibre available, you might be forced to downgrade. It’s a good idea to use a postcode checker to confirm availability at your new address.

When moving, it is a good idea to let Plusnet know as far in advance as possible, at least 30 days in advance. This will mean that installation of broadband at your new address can be organised for the day you move in and you will not experience any interruptions to your broadband service.

When contacting Plusnet, you will need to have the following information to hand:

  • Your Plusnet broadband account number
  • Your new address
  • Moving date

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