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How to cancel Sky broadband


Things to do before you cancel

Check your contract

Sky Broadband tends to offer deals on a 12 or 18-month basis, known as a minimum contract period or a minimum term. Leaving prior to the end of your minimum term could incur exit fees, so it’s always important to check when you signed up before you cancel.

How to check

All broadband providers – including Sky – are legally bound by Ofgem rules to contact its customers between 10 and 40 days of their broadband contract coming to an end.

If you haven’t received a notification but think you might be nearing the end of or out of contract, contact Sky customer services directly. If you are still in contract, ask what costs would be involved to leave early.

Make sure you've found a new broadband provider

Before cancelling your existing broadband contract with Sky, and to ensure you can continue to use the internet at your property uninterrupted, you should ensure you’ve found the new provider and deal you want to switch to in advance. This will help make the transition to a new provider smooth and seamless.

If you cancel without first organising a switch, you could be left without a broadband connection for weeks.

Cancelling within your cooling off period

If you cancel your Sky broadband contract during your initial cooling off period (31 days), you will be repaid any payments you may have made to Sky, including any delivery costs of any equipment that has been ordered.

However, if you requested Sky to begin your service during your cooling off period, you will need to pay an amount proportionate to the service that has been provided up to the point you cancelled your order. You will not be refunded for any one-off fees for activation or set-up services if you cancel a servie after activation.

If you're out of contract and want to switch

If your Sky broadband deal has reached the end of its minimum term, you are free to cancel with them and switch without penalty.

This can include a “right to leave”, that you’ve been given from Sky. For example, annual price rises are not written into Sky Broadband’s terms and conditions, but they, in-line with a number of other providers, raised their prices for all in and out of contract customers for 2023.

Under Ofgem rules, because this was not part of your original contract agreement, you can leave within 30 days of being notified about the increase without incurring any early termination fees.

Please bear in mind that this only applies to Sky’s broadband and home phone services, and not any of its TV packages.

How much notice do I need to give Sky broadband that I intend to cancel?

A minimum 14 days’ notice is required to cancel your Sky Broadband services.

Can I cancel without needing to contact Sky broadband directly?

If you’re switching to another provider that is on the Openreach network (e.g., not a provider who uses their own infrastructure such as Community Fibre, Virgin Media, or Hyperoptic Broadband), then you do not need to contact Sky.

As of April 2023, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) were supposed to begin adhering to Ofcom’s ‘One Touch Switch’ rules. These rules were intended to simplify the switching process and also meant you would no longer need to contact your new or current supplier when switching – even if it was to an ISP not on the Openreach network.

However, Ofcom has uncovered providers failing to meet this obligation, so it is always worth contacting Sky yourself to make sure.

How do I contact Sky broadband to cancel my contract?

The fastest way to cancel your Sky Broadband is to call Sky direct on 0333 759 0422.

If you would prefer to cancel via email you can contact Sky at mysky@sky.uk.

You can also write to Sky at:

Sky Subscriber Services Ltd,
PO Box 43
EH54 7DD

Any written replies you receive will be addressed to the billing address on your Sky broadband account.

When contacting Sky in writing – either via email or letter - make sure to include your full name and contact number, as well as any other pertinent account details.

Do I need to return my Sky broadband router?

If you’re cancelling your Sky broadband before your contract ends, you will be asked to return your router and any other equipment. If your contract has ended, you will be allowed to keep it.

But remember: your new provider will supply you with a new router, so it’s better to use this router to make your connections more secure, and to stay up to date.

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