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Enstroga Energy

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Enstroga Energy is a gas and electricity supplier that serves and is based, in many different locations in Europe including Portugal, the UK (in Nottingham) and Germany. Enstroga is committed to cleaner, more affordable energy in an open, transparent relationship with its customers.

Enstroga Energy Customer Rating

On Trustpilot, Enstroga UK is currently rated 2.9 out of a possible 5 stars.

FAQs about Enstroga Energy

If you’re after more information about Enstroga Energy, look no further. Find the answers to your frequently asked questions below.

Does Enstroga Energy have an app?

No. Enstroga Energy does not currently have an app.

How does Enstroga Energy source its energy?

Enstroga Energy’s energy currently comes from a mixture of coal, natural gas, renewables and other fuels.

Can I switch to Enstronga Energy if I’ve got a smart meter?

You can switch to Enstronga Energy with a smart meter but for now, your meter will lose its smart functionality.

How to contact Enstroga Energy

You can get in touch with Enstroga Energy:

By email at energy@enstroga.co.uk

Over the phone on +44 (0) 115 857 2572

On Twitter via @EnstrogaUK

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