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Neo Energy

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Neo Energy is a brand managed by Euston Energy limited. They are a new energy supplier, launched in early 2020, and based in London. They offer cheap contract-free rates, no exit fees and 100% renewable energy. They are the first energy supplier in the UK to accept payment in either GBP or Bitcoin.

FAQs about Neo Energy

Find out more about Neo Energy. Below we answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

What makes Neo Energy unique?

They are the first energy supplier in the UK to allow cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. They also offer a Payment Waiver whereby they agree to waive a regular Direct Debit payment if a prescribed event occurs, such as being made redundant.

Do Neo Energy have an app?

No. Neo Energy do not have an app. There is an online portal for submitting meter readings.

Does Neo Energy support the Warm Home Discount?

At present Neo Energy does not support the Warm Home Discount.

Do Neo Energy do smart meters?

Neo Energy are not currently installing new smart meters in customers' homes. If you already have a smart meter it may switch to a standard meter (requiring manual readings to be submitted) when you switch to Neo Energy.

How can you contact Neo Energy?

You can get in touch with Neo Energy:

By email at help@neo-energy.co.uk

Over the phone on +44 (0) 808 168 4861 (9 to 5, Monday to Friday)

Or via live chat on their website at www.neo-energy.co.uk

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