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Opus Energy

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Opus Energy is an energy provider based in Northampton that supplies gas and electricity solely to businesses across the United Kingdom. It purchases electricity from wind, solar, hydro, and anaerobic digestion generators, and provides support to develop energy-generating sites. Opus Energy has a power purchase agreement where it offers to buy excess energy from companies who create their own renewable sources.

Opus Energy Customer Rating

Opus Energy has a 15% Positive Opinion rating on YouGov. On Trustpilot, Opus Energy is rated 1.7 out of 5 stars for providing energy to large and small businesses.

FAQs about Opus Energy

If you’re after more information about Opus Energy, look no further. Find the answers to your frequently asked questions below.

Does Opus Energy have an app?

No. Opus Energy does not currently have an app.

Where does Opus Energy source its electricity from?

Opus Energy gets its electricity from wind, solar, hydro and anaerobic (from organic matter) generators.

How to contact Opus Energy

You can get in touch with Opus Energy:

Over the telephone on +44 (0) 843 227 2377

By email on contactus@opusenergy.com

On Twitter via @Opus_Energy

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