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People’s Energy

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PLEASE NOTE: All of People's Energy Company's operations are now handled by British Gas.

People’s Energy (or Places for People Energy) was a British gas and electricity supplier based in Musselburgh. People’s Energy believed in putting people and the planet before profits: delivering affordable pricing, excellent customer service, 100% renewable electricity, and always operating with integrity. The supplier went bust in September 2021. All customers were transferred to British Gas, the Ofgem appointed supplier of last resort.

People’s Energy Customer Rating

A survey from Which? ranked People’s Energy 4th out of 35 energy suppliers. On Trustpilot, People’s Energy is rated 3.8 out of a possible 5 stars.

FAQs about People’s Energy

If you’re after more information about People’s Energy, look no further. Find the answers to your frequently asked questions below.

How to contact People’s Energy

You can get in touch with British Gas, who took over People's Energy's customer base at: https://www.britishgas.co.uk/contact-us.html

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