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Scottish Hydro

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Please note: Scottish Hydro’s customers and operation are now handled by SSE.

Scottish Hydro (or Scottish Hydro Electric) was an electricity supplier that started out as the North of Scotland Electricity PLC, later becoming Southern Electric.

Scottish Hydro Customer Rating

On Trustpilot, Scottish Hydro (SSE) is rated 4.4 stars out of 5. On YouGov, Scottish Hydro enjoyed a 16% Positive Opinion rating.

FAQs about Scottish Hydro

If you’re after more information about Scottish Hydro, look no further. Find the answers to your frequently asked questions below.

Is Scottish Hydro the same company as SSE?

Scottish Hydro, along with Southern Electric, SWALEC and other companies, is part of the SSE Group.

How to contact Scottish Hydro

You can get in touch with Scottish Hydro via SSE:

By email at customerservice@sse.com

Over the phone on +44 (0) 345 026 2658

On Twitter via @YourSSE

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