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So Energy

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So Energy is a gas and electricity provider, based in London, whose aim is to bring “simplicity, honesty and great value” to the energy industry. They also claim to be the only energy supplier that lets its customers choose the source of their energy. Their green energy comes from either solar, wind, biomass, hydroelectric or tidal produced sources.

So Energy Customer Rating

So Energy has previously been voted the number 1 energy supplier by Citizens Advice. On Trustpilot, So Energy is rated 4.5 out of 5 stars for its services.

FAQs about So Energy

If you’re after more information about So Energy, look no further. Find the answers to your frequently asked questions below.

Does So Energy have an app?

Unfortunately, So Energy does not currently have an app.

Can I switch to So Energy if i have a smart meter?

You can switch to So Energy with a smart meter but as they do not currently support smart meter functionality, it will perform as a regular meter.

How to contact So Energy

You can get in touch with So Energy:

Over the telephone on +44 (0) 330 111 5050

By email on help@so.energy

On Twitter via @SoEnergyUK

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