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Tonik Energy

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PLEASE NOTE: All of Tonik's operations are now handled by Scottish Power.

Tonik Energy was a UK gas and electricity company, based in Birmingham, that called itself the “smartphone” of the energy industry. Its mission was to change the way energy is used by using technology to reduce wastage. Tonik Energy’s aim for the future was to provide the easiest pathways to accessing renewable energy and, storing and managing their own energy to a point where their bills could be halved by 2022.

Tonik Energy Customer Rating

On Trustpilot, Tonik Energy was rated 3.5 out of 5 stars for its services.

FAQs about Tonik Energy

If you’re after more information about Tonik Energy, look no further. Find the answers to your frequently asked questions below.

Did Tonik Energy have an app?

No. Tonik Energy did not have an app.

Was all of Tonik Energy’s energy renewable?

No. Around the time the supplier ceased trading, only their electricity was 100% renewable. Their gas was made up of 10% green gas and 90% carbon offset.

Were Tonik Energy rolling out smart meters?

Yes. Tonik Energy had begun installing smart meters across the UK.

How to contact Tonik Energy

You could get in touch with Tonik Energy:

Over the telephone on +44 (0) 333 344 2686

By email on hello@tonikenergy.com

On Twitter via @tonikenergy

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