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Energy Guides

From advice on meter readings and your rights regarding exit fees to comparing energy suppliers, our Energy Guides can help you simplify your finances. Get the information you need to keep your household running smoothly.

Energy payment methods

When it comes to paying your energy bill there are a lot of different options. Find out how the different […]

Energy back billing

What is energy back billing? If you haven’t been charged correctly for energy that you used in the past your […]

The cooling off period

Cooling off periods help protect consumers from penalty fees if they change their minds after starting a switch. Find out […]

Are dual fuel tariffs cheaper?

If you live in a house with gas and electricity you can either have both fuels managed by one provider […]

How to set up energy bills when you move house

When moving house, people often wonder how to switch energy bills over to their new place. Well, thankfully it’s pretty […]

What to do if your energy supplier owes you money

There are a number of cases where your supplier might end up owing you money. Below we explain why this […]

Why pay gas and eletricity monthly?

The main reason for choosing to pay monthly via direct debit is that these plans are the cheapest. Monthly direct […]

How to switch from a prepay to a credit meter

Why switch from prepayment to a credit meter? Prepayment meters or “pay as you go energy deals” are generally more […]

Small energy suppliers

Smaller energy providers offer deals that compete, and in some cases, are better than those from well-known energy firms. Whether […]

Best time to switch energy supplier

Switching energy suppliers regularly can save you hundreds of pounds on your energy bills. But before switching, it’s important to […]

Feed-in Tariffs

Discover information about the government’s Feed-in Tariff (FIT). Get details on how you can get generate your own electricity and […]

Social Energy Tariffs

Social Energy Tariffs were started to help households who spent over 10% of their income on energy bills. Discover what […]

Fuel Direct Scheme

If you need help managing your benefits to pay your energy debts, then the Fuel Direct Scheme could be the […]

Unlimited energy tariffs

Depending on your current gas and electricity consumption, getting an unlimited energy tariff could be the way to go. Although […]

Collective energy switching

If you’re looking for information on collective energy switching, you’re in the right place. Discover everything you need to know […]

Priority Services Register

When it comes to managing your energy bills and usage, some of us need a helping hand from our energy […]

Wave Energy

Get key information on wave energy. Discover why it’s an infinite source of renewable energy and how it’s used to […]

Types of boiler

When it comes to boilers, knowing the difference between one boiler and the next and, which is right for your […]

Energy suppliers with smart meters

As the smart meter rollout continues, now’s a great time to get one or switch to a provider who supports […]

Solid and Cavity Wall Insulation

Did you know that about a third of all the heat lost in an uninsulated home goes out through the […]

Loft and Roof Insulation

Did you know that a quarter of heat is lost through the roof of an uninsulated home? That’s a lot […]

Who is my energy supplier?

According to The Independent, a staggering one in four people don’t know who supplies their energy at home. And if […]

Landlord and tenant smart meter guide

Smart meters help you to get accurate meter readings and pay the right amount for your gas and electricity. However, […]

Energy monitors

Discover more about energy monitors. If you’ve recently switched to a smart meter then getting to grips with your energy […]

What is a smart meter?

It seems smart meters are constantly in the news. Some of us are welcoming the new technology with open arms, […]

Government Grants for Insulation

If you’re looking for information on getting government grants for insulation you’re in the right place. Installing insulation is energy-efficient, […]

Government Grants for Double Glazing

Find out if and how you can get help from the government to install double glazing at home. Stay warm […]

UK Energy Market

Discover how the energy market works in the United Kingdom. From energy suppliers to energy bills, find out how your […]

Fuel Poverty

Get key information on fuel poverty. Discover what fuel poverty is and ways to prevent being classed as fuel poor. […]

Power cut compensation

If you’re looking for information on power cut compensation, you’ve come to the right place. Find out what it is, […]

Green Deal

Looking for details on the Green Deal? We’ve got you covered. Find out what happened to the Green Deal and […]

The Renewable Heat Incentive explained

If you’re looking for renewable ways to heat your home and pay less for energy, the Renewable Heat Incentive might […]

How does the National Grid work to supply energy to our homes?

Our gas and electricity supply relies on a series of power plants and networks known as the National Grid. Discover […]

What happens if my energy supplier goes bust?

Unfortunately, businesses including energy suppliers can fall on hard times. If your energy company goes bust, you’re very well protected […]

Is it worth investing in boiler cover?

Boilers and radiators can cost a huge amount when they’re first installed. Then there’s the upkeep and the risk of […]

What appliances use the most electricity?

Running a household is an expensive undertaking. Most appliances needed to run a happy home consume a lot of energy […]

How long does it take to switch energy suppliers?

Switching is on the up. But have you dipped your toe in the money-saving water yet? According to Ofgem, between […]

Should I get a smart thermostat?

Did you know you could save money if you compare energy deals with a switching service like Switchcraft or by […]

What’s the difference between Martin Lewis’ Cheap Energy Club and Switchcraft?

If you want to compare energy providers, you’ll probably have to have a good look around at many of the […]

Want to know your energy efficiency?

Looking to keep your gas and electricity bills low while maintaining good energy efficiency? If the answer is ‘yes’, the […]

How to compare gas and electricity deals

No-one likes to be hit with a mammoth utility bill at the end of the month. But with energy prices […]