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Understanding Energy

From essential energy terms you’ll find detailed on your monthly bill, to industry-specific schemes and practices, it’s important to understand what makes your gas and electricity tick.

Can we deliver Energy Security and still go Green using North Sea Gas?

The UK once thrived on its own gas production, fuelling the nation while providing jobs and economic stability. Today, we […]

Energy Ombudsman

If you’ve complained to your energy provider and the issue has remained unresolved, you’re probably wondering what to do next. […]


What is Ofgem? Ofgem – short for ‘Office of Gas and Electricity Markets’ – was formed in 1999. It’s a […]

The loyalty penalty

Find out everything you need to know about the “loyalty penalty” or “loyalty tax”, including how it might be affecting […]

Supplier of Last Resort

In competitive market arenas, such as the gas and electricity markets, it is not uncommon for a company to fail. […]

Making energy supplier complaints

Not satisfied with the service from your energy supplier? Find out the best way to make a complaint and get […]

Feed-in Tariffs

Discover information about the government’s Feed-in Tariff (FIT). Get details on how you can get generate your own electricity and […]

Priority Services Register

When it comes to managing your energy bills and usage, some of us need a helping hand from our energy […]

UK Energy Market

Discover how the energy market works in the United Kingdom. From energy suppliers to energy bills, find out how your […]

Fuel Poverty

Get key information on fuel poverty. Discover what fuel poverty is and ways to prevent being classed as fuel poor. […]

Power cut compensation

If you’re looking for information on power cut compensation, you’ve come to the right place. Find out what it is, […]

How does the National Grid work to supply energy to our homes?

Our gas and electricity supply relies on a series of power plants and networks known as the National Grid. Discover […]

What happens if my energy supplier goes bust?

Unfortunately, businesses including energy suppliers can fall on hard times. If your energy company goes bust, you’re very well protected […]